Program Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi
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We offer two kind of program : Accounting Professional Program And Dual Degree Program

I. Accounting Professional Program
In this program, our class is classify as two :

1. Reguler :

The background's students in a class came from any kind of industries. The maximum capacity of a class is 25 students. The limilation number of students to increase the effectiveness of learning method in class.

2. Corporate :

The students in corporate class come from one company. In current program, we have Deloitte class, BPK class and BPKP class (for next period). We also limit the number of student in this class.

II. Dual Degree Program
We conduct cooperation with magister in Accounting program FE USAKTI PPAk students who to get master degree can complete their courses in master degree in 18 month for 36 credit hours (normally, the magister program require 48 credit hours). Before graduate form magister program, the students are required to write thesis or final report. so, in two half years, they can get accounting professional certify and magister in accounting as well.





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