Program Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi
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Table 1
List of Courses for Accounting Profession Program

SEMESTER 1 (all subject is required)




1. Reporting and Financial Accounting

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

2. Audit Practice

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

3. Business and Professional Ethics

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

4. Business Environment and Commercial Law

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours





5. Tax

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

6. Capital Market and Financial Management

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

7. Management and Cost Accounting

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

8. Voluntary subject

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

9. Voluntary subject

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

For 2nd semester, we offer some voluntary courses. The students can choose two of them. The class for the courses will open if the number of students at least twenty.

Table 2
Voluntary courses in 2nd semester




1. Risk Management and Risk based audit

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

2. Audit of information system

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

3. Appraisal

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

4. accounting Forensic and Fraud Audit

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

5. Accounting and Audit for Goverment

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

6. Syariah Accounting

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

7. Tax Audit

3 credit

14 x 2.5 hours

Admission to the PPAk, which can occur three times a year. the requirements are as follow :

1. The students must be from undergraduate accounting
2. Pay Registration fee Rp.350.000,-
3. Passedfrom entry exam for subjects : Auditing, Financial Accounting, and Tax
4. Pay Courses fee Rp.20.000.000,-





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